Tuesday – 7/16/2019 – TTT

(Outdoor tester, weather permitting)


For time

Road bike 10 miles

Outdoor run 3 miles


Ummm, is this my punishment for hurting my shoulder? If so it’s time to bomb proof that thing, or get a bionic arm and shoulder……


I actually loved the challenge of this, it was tough, but also having to do it on an AB created some different things. I know having the metrics in front of me played a role and gave me feedback. I kept the pace above 262 99.9% of the time, there was an occasional dip, and then I would play little games and give a quick burst every so often. Bike took 26:59 and last 1000m I was pushing to hold around 345 watts. I did have to get some water and one other management item and them off to the run, so had to manage a little transition. 


Run was another story/hurdle – 30:20. Hamstring held up great so was happy with that. The start was slow, as I spent a good minute or so walking up the first steep hill. The only negatives on my fun is I had to manage a bunch of terrain and steep inclines. I tried not to walk them but twice I did choose to power walk them as the incline was breaking me down. 


Overall, I wished I could’ve pushed the run a little harder, but I felt the heat was creating a mental limiter more than anything. My heart rate felt good, but just managing the sun and the elements made me uncomfortable.

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