Wednesday – 7/31/2019 – TTT

BB/DB cycling work

For time: 

6 power snatch 115lbs

12 DB s.a. power snatch 50lbs


For time: 

12 devil’s press 50lbs/hand

8 PC&J 115lbs


Devils press took about 1 minute and change and really wanted to be able to do the bb work ub but wasn’t happening – breathing, pushing endurance and mental limiters

For time: 

12 deadlifts 225lbs

12 DB s.a. hang power clean and jerk 50lbs


As long as I didn’t try to touch n go the db on the left side there was no pain or issue with this movement

For time: 

12 dbl DB front squats @ 50/hand

12 power clean 135lbs


For time: 

15 OHS 115lbs

10 dbl DB hang squat clean 50/hand


“Open like standard” for DB’s being outside of knees was painful so did db’s in between legs and was fine

Heels elevated rig/ring assisted sissy squats x 3-4/side (go slow, try to get good length through hip flexor/RF)

Did not expect this to be as yucky as it was

Knees bent GHD hip extensions x 8-10, rest as needed x 3 sets

I do love the deep burn that the bent knees gives

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