Friday – 8/30/2019 – TTT

A – Hang Muscle snatch x 3 + Snatch balance x 3, new complex every 2 min x 6 (95-115)

95 for 5 – 115 on the last

B – Below knee hang squat snatch double, take 5 sets to find tough load for the day


Load felt really good, the only reason I called it there is I wasn’t ready to control the negative at heavier loads on the shoulder 

C1 – 15 thrusters @ 95lbs, rest 20 sec

C2 – 10 bar facing burpees (finish these sub 45 sec), rest 20 sec

C3 – 15 thrusters @ 95lbs, rest 3 min x 3 sets

Making the 10 burpee under the 45sec was not a problem at all, I would say I was bt 35-40sec each round. I even tried something here that I never have and that was not turning the same way for every single rep. Had a good pattern and plan to make for a good consistent turn. The second round of thruster, did the pause and breath at the top. The 2nd set was of course a fight but I trusted my squat mechanics and tried to keep the breathing in a good place.


For time

40 row cals

30 wallballs @ 30lbs

20 kipping HSPU

10 burpee bar MU


Was kind of uninspired for this piece, I went hard and put a ton of energy and effort into the thruster/burpee/thruster and feel it took a ton of mental energy out of me going for it and felt the carryover into this one. Had a hard time mentally pushing the row, wanted to do the wall ball in strategical breaks of 3, but missed the ball in one of the later sets and forced into 4 breaks. HSPU were not on today, but that’s 100% my fault. I did not warm them up, just trusted that I would be fine and I was no where near it. Bbmu was about the only redeeming quality here, just tried to find a consistent rhythm of continuous movement, but I was favoring my right side trying to take pressure off of my shoulder in the pressout.

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