Monday – 9/2/2019 – TTT

Ring MU warmup

Hip bridge single leg extension x 6/side with hard glute squeeze at top of each rep 


Really liked this one but I can never ever come close to looking like David Durante so I hate seeing him demo stuff. Would rather see you or Max in this demo LOL

Reverse table top plank pressup x 6 with hard glute squeeze at top of each rep 

I need to do this more often

(Hollow rocks x 3 into hip extension x 1) * 3 reps

Didn’t really quite know what to do when transitioning to hip extension

1-2 times through this series


Ring MU snap pull with hip extension into turnover from feet on floor – 3-5 reps (hard pull on rings timed with hip extension to generate momentum –

This was good and has tons of value

Ring MU pop swing with snap pull from hang – 3-5 reps (swing feet, then stop them abruptly and push hips forward/up –

Got better with this each time

Strict dips for depth x 2-3 + kipping dips with pause in bottom before kip x 3-5, rest as needed x 2-3 sets

Took a while for the strict dip to loosen up and feel comfortable


Ring MU – 2-3 reps for speed/quality x 2-3 sets, rest as needed 

I always feel like my best kip happens on the 3rd rep


For time

20 power snatches @ 75lbs

15 ring MU


Took a really conservative approach to this even with the barbell. Probably shouldn’t have with the barbell in hindsight, but just thought I was getting baited into somewhere with the fatigue into muscle ups. Muscle ups went 4-4-4-3 – a funny thing happened towards the end. The drills and the snap pull back on the rings made sense towards the end. First time doing the drills and it wasn’t engrained in my brain from the start, but that was a cool feeling towards the end. I know I rested too long bt sets, but it’s just a good feeling to feel no pain when the body gets warmed up. This was also the reason I didn’t push for bigger sets. 


14-16 sets, new set every 2 min

Odd sets – 20 row cals @ 1300-1400 cal/hr

Even sets – 20 AB cals @ 425-500 watts

Did 14 sets, I originally wanted to do 16, but from set 9 on I had to work a little harder to keep the numbers from dipping below the target range. Set 13 on the rower I dipped below the range a little more than I would’ve liked, so I decided to finish at 14 and hit the back and stay in the high 400’s

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