Saturday – 10/5/2019 – TTT

Mcgill big 3


Bar MU skill work

A1. 2 supine snap to hollow + 2 snap to transition, rest as needed


A2. 5 low bar hollow turnovers x5, rest as needed x 5 sets

*focus on pressing down into turnover


B1. 3-5 low bar banded transitions rest as needed


B2. 1.1.1 Dynamic hip to bar, rest as needed x 3 sets

*rest as needed between reps to maintain quality


Had a hard time getting the optimal set up for the low bar banded transition, all the others are solid and I like them for future warm ups. 

C – 3 bar MU EMOM x 5, work consistency and crisp reps

These felt solid and consistent, what I did notice, is I was so focused on making the reps clean and crisp that I paused for a bit on top of the bmu, I didn’t do this yesterday but I’m only hoping this was situational not a habit. 


Low volume kipping/strict HSPU practice (want to protect that trap/shoulder complex from getting too tight before open so get some exposure without over-doing things)

Did a similar format as throwdown workout with 1strict + 1 kippping and worked up to 5, it was right around that number that I could feel the tension in my neck/trap. I am going to look into gettinig adjusted or massage as I truly feel this will help a ton.

D – Banded back squats 3 reps EMOM x 6

Due to time and didn’t want to dick around with set up, had access to chains and this helped greathing to get in to a similar stimulus that you were looking for

E – Sandbag bear hug squats 10 reps E2MOM x 3

10 @ 150 yaaaayyyyy yuck

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