Saturday – 1/11/2020 – TTTTD

tttTD (follow your proposal here, see the workout, then unplug and plan on your own) 

30 – I planned my warm up well, and executed my warm up the best I could, but I could tell i was in trouble when trying to hit some high output on the bike in the warm up, leg drive just wasn’t there. Wanted to be done with burpee around 2:30, but knew that was going to be tough when I was at the 13 – 30sec in and it felt like work, so I just tried to settle in and not get too discouraged. Snatch was truly a grind. I was breathing heavy, was having to brace so hard to complete each lift. What I am proud of is, when the time was runnning down, I went back to cycling the db well for 2 sets of 6 to finish out and make quick rest bt and got the first wall ball up in 5 seconds or less. I did, 5-5-5 with drop, breath and go, and 15 to finish out. My body was super tired and not much gas in the tank, but some small victories for myself in the fact I am happy I closed strong with the db, I had a plan and anticipated where my limiters would be and was prepared when they happened. Other than a low wall ball score, I really like my process.


A – Hang squat clean doubles, new set every 90 sec x 5, last 2 sets tough

Legs were pretty tired so went for qualilty and consistency at 185

B – Front squat 3×3, rest 3 min, heavy across

245 was heavy across

C – GHD situps – accumulate 60 for the day, broken however


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