Wednesday – Monday – 1/15/20 – 1/20/20 – TTT

A – PC/PJ – 1 rep every 20 sec x 5, rest 2 min x 4 sets

185×3, 205×1


Did 1 set through of the deadlift portion just to get a few reps in, i kept my rpe super super low, was just get to feel the weight in a tng environment – 4-6-10

For Reps:

AMRAP UB WB until 9/10 RPE – 20/14#, 10′ for both

60 – 9 rpe for my shoulders but legs were good

Rest 30 sec

AMRAP UB CTB Pull-Ups (-1)


Rest 3 min

AMRAP UB OHS until 9/10 RPE – 95/65#

22 – kept coming forward on my toes so I spent a little longer time under tension on a big chunk of the reps just trying to regain my balance

Rest 30 sec

AMRAP UB CTB Pull-Ups (-1)


Rest 3 min

AMRAP UB Thrusters until 9/10 RPE – 75/55#


Rest 30 sec

AMRAP UB CTB Pull-Ups (-1)


Super pleased with the c2b work. Didn’t have high expectations after all the reps on the rig yesterday as I was a little sore and hands a little sensitive, but trusted my mechanics and went for it and was pleased. 


B1. Band Assisted Natural Knee Extensions: 10 reps x2-3; rest as needed

B2. Standing Banded Pull-Apart Complexes: 10 reps x2-3 sets of each; (Overhead, Front w/ Palms Up, Bottoms Up); rest as needed

B3. Prone Bent Knee Glute Lift Off w/ Abmat under hips: 10 reps w/ 1 sec pause on each rep x2-3/side; rest as needed

B4. Supinated Grip Hang From Bar: Accumulate 90 seconds in as few sets as possible x3; rest as needed

This was more what my hands could tolerate from being so tender, but I do like being made to hit some hang work from supinated grip, I feel it’s highly beneficial for my overhead position.

1/16 – OFF



tttTD (row/Box jumps, but if the toe cant handle the box jump volume let me know ahead of time and we will sub that out)

Toes was good by today. 

246 – did jumps on the first 10 just to get up to speed a little bit, tried to hold around 1:42-1:44 the whole time, it only really dipped in the 400m round, that was without a doubt the hardest round to keep going fast. In hindsight might have pushed the round of 300 a little harder, but was trying to keep as fast a cycle time as I could on the box. I did do this with someone who would outrow me every day of the week so I tried to speed my cadence of the box up off of his so this was really good for me there. 

PM – Travel

1/18 and 1/19 – OFF

1/20 (garage)

6-8 rounds for sustainability, repeatable finish times

8 dbl DB front rack squats

Row 250m

8 1-arm alternating DB hang clean and jerks

Row 250m

18:18 – back lit up a little but I’m sure that was from all the travel. Did 6 rounds and was sub 3 minutes through 4 rounds, but in that 4th round was grinding a little to keep the row pace where I was and that caused me to fall off that pace slightly for the last 2 rounds.


2 times through

Alternating shoulder taps from HS hold against wall x 20

hollow body flutter kicks x 20

arch body rocks x 20


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