Wednesday – 1/29/2020 – TTT

1/29 (DSGN)

A. EMOM x 12:

Min 1: 5 Front Squats

Min 2: 7 Clean Grip Deadlifts

Min 3: 9 DB Strict Press

Wasn’t sure if bar was supposed to come from the ground for the front squat and use the same bar for the cgd, or use a rack. So I just used the same bar, which made the cgd super easy but that was ok as this is my long day. 165 and 35’s on strict press

Part 2 – Gymnastics & DB Cycling:

8-10 sets for time:

6 Strict HSPU’s

12ft HS Walk

6 Kip HSPU’s

12ft HS Walk

Rest 30 sec every 2 sets

I really really should’ve thoroughly thought about these numbers here and used last Friday’s session as an indicator of big picture as what was realistic for me to get the right stimulus. Did 2 rounds and got punched in the face really quickly. At that point I realized that 30sec rest was not going to be enough to sustain those numbers. So instead of lowering the reps per round I grinded out each round and rested a little longer. Also gave myself a time cap that if I wasn’t done to stop. So I got 6 rounds in and it was a huge grind on the strict and the hs walks

Rest as needed

For Times w/ 50/35# DB’s:

30 Wallball – 20/14#, 10/9′

30 Double DB Front Rack Box Step Overs – 24/20″

15 CTB Pull-Ups

5:47 – doulbe db step overs are the devil! – c2b was in 6/5/4 and i tried to drop, turn around right back up and I really liked that. Might not have needed to do it but wanted to try and see if I could make it work quickly.

Rest 2:1 (rest double the time it takes to complete the work)

30 Wallball – 20/14#, 10/9′

30 Double DB Hang Power Clean/Jerk

15 CTB

4:59 – took too big of sets on the dbl db work, it caused me to put the db’s down and walk away. Big mistake. 

Rest 2:1

30 Wallball – 20/14#, 10/9′

20 SA DB Split Snatch – Alternating

20 SA DB Power Clean – 10/side, then switch

15 CTB Pull-Ups

3:08 – all UB – I was mentally and physically smoked at this point, but I powered through and wasn’t planning on setting the db down at the start and I talked myself out of it several times in the middle of the set. 

Part 3 – Shoulder Health:

1. Bottom of Squat Banded Y Raises: 10 reps x 3 sets w/ 2 sec hold at end range

2. Bear to Table Complexes: 10 reps/side x 2 sets

3. Tall Kneeling KB Halo’s: 5 reps/direction x 3 sets Rest as needed b/t each for quality

Ran out of time to do it immedeately post training so had to get it in about an hour or so later

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