Friday & Saturday – 3/20/2020 & 3/21/2020 – TTT


Squat snatch – accumulate 10 reps @ 165-185lbs for quality

165 x 5, 185x 5


Split Jerk – accumulate 8 reps @ 205-225 for quality, 3 sec hold in catch

Stuck with 205 across….wrist was super irritated today. 


Front Squat – 3×3, rest 2-3 min

255-275×2, 275 might have been a little aggressive for the day. 


Every 5 min x 4 sets

30 wallballs

20 AB cals

10 bar facing burpees

3:26, 3:49, 3:52, 3:56 – for the record, a small detail I kind of forgot to mention is that at time of doing this I did not have access to a 20lb wall ball, only a 30. Wall ball target is outside of the garage so was going to have to transition quickly to bike to make this work. Then the rain came! My options were 30lb wall balls in the rain, not a great combination. 2nd option was dbl db thruster @ 35/hand, then the rain starting coming down really really had, so really really wet wall balls become not an option at all. So thrusters it was, yuck, yuck and double yuck. I did extend my rest my about 90sec going into the 4th set, I was originally going to power through but my burpee speed really slowed down in the 3rd set.


tttTD (either full or at home version)

Full version @ 24:16 – fyi runs, were about 750 (with a huge elevation change uphill both ways ;-). I came into the garage @ 22:03 after the last run and knew I had to do big sets of the front squats, so I started and tried formulating a plan. As I got closer, i thought I can do 2 sets, and then I thought just keep going, my hands, grip became what I was more worried about for doing the set unbroken, not as much for the legs. So was pretty happy with the ability to finish the 50 squats unbroken to make sure I didn’t cap.

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