Wednesday – 4/29/2020 – TTT

EMOM x 9

Min 1 – 40 sec yielding isometric hold in RDL position (KB/light BB/Band)

Min 2 – 6/side single arm split stance KB russian swing

Min 3 – Banded bilateral good mornings x 10-12, lock ribcage in and drive movement from hamstrings and glutes

This was absolutely awesome. I loved every bit of it and how it made me feel after. On the yielding iso hold i used a bar the first set and then tried a mini band around my feet and that was downright perfect! Loved it.


E2MOM x 6

6 bar facing burpees + 6 TNG squat snatches @ 115lbs + 6 bar facing burpees

1:03 – 1:07 – 1:16 – 1:21 – 1:23 – 1:23 – something occurred to me in this piece. I should’ve been able to maintain the pace I set in the first set, however, I have tried to lower the cost of spending on pre-workouts and I tried a new one last week and seemed to be ok. However we really have only had one piece since then that really pushed the limits and that was the otm piece with burpee and bike and thruster. I just thought it was the dose response of the bike and paid no attention to it. But today, i had to hit pause on my timer after set 4, I know the difference bt not being able to breath but still keep going in a piece like this and then not being able to breath from too much stimulant and this just didn’t feel right. So needless to say that shit is going in the trash.


Easy bike 15 min, off every 3 min to do (at a steady pace)

40 DU’s

3/side high box step downs with slow negative, counterbalance with weight in extended arms as needed

Got better with each set, this was solid even though I felt like pooh going into it, and too know that I was off, I only did one set of dubz UB, thats a definitely tell for me.

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