Wednesday – 5/20/2020 – TTT

10 rounds, not for time, keep steady effort

6 toes to rings

6 kipping HSPU

24 DU’s


10 rounds, not for time, keep steady effort

6 burpees to 6in touch

6 wallballs

24 DU’s


3 rounds, not for time, keep steady effort

50ft HSW

5 squat snatches @ 165-185lbs

This is one of those days that I should have just called it, today was the first time back coaching the am shift, so that was good to be back in the environment of fitness. But of course there is some sacrifice of sleep. I did get a short nap in before training though so that is a positive. While warming up everything just hurt and ached, not sure if it was the rain or the sleep. In my barbell warm up I dropped the bar on my foot, not an empty bar, the loaded bar and the plate hit my foot. Luckily it was only 95, I wished I was recording my warm up because I still don’t know how it happened, been trying to replay it. Don’t know if it dropped directly from overhead or if it came off a bounce. I just don’t know smh……then in the first round, the very first round my main go to jump rope broke. After that I kind of settled in and just got in a groove of work. I didn’t push the handstand walk snatch portion, just wanted some quality work in. I did miss a snatch, but overall with the adversity, I enjoyed this day a lot. Even though it wasn’t for time, i tried to keep a relative intensity pace for the triplets. And worked on some burpee cadence.

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