Saturday – 5/30/2020 – TTT

Two important lead in conversations to have, one is mostly for my benefit of documentation, another is one I would like to have a discussion or direction. We’ll start with the most important one first.

Today, I knew what kind of sport-specific warm up I needed for this piece. After building to some heavy doubles and triples on thrusters, I knew I needed to get a little bit of a response relative to the throwdown. And after one round I just didn’t want to put fourth the effort in a warm up. That could be a multitude of reasons, it’s just now finally officially hot and I haven’t adapted to the environment. I know when the open comes and it means something that I’m on my shit and no excuses I get to it in a warm up, but when it doesn’t matter as much in the big picture I struggle a little to be diligent in a warm up that needs a little more time of heart rate elevation. To keep things simple, my current thought process might be EMOM format or something when I just don’t feel like putting forth the effort, along the lines of cns driven (thruster in this case), if I want to save some bullets for the c2b, maybe do 2-3 reps + some kb swings/snatch/kb c&j/toe to rings, something that might open up that position but still keep some heart rate stimulation + some progressive bike intensity. At times I just don’t feel like getting after it in the warm up, but I feel if I give myself some structure the day before I might be more likely to stick with it as long as it isn’t too much.

The other note is, I have been complaining about knees being achy and feeling a little heavy. When I made the complaint of feeling heavy, the scales said 209, yesterday and today the scales said 205 and my knees were not achy, so I need to try and keep my weight around 205. I just stopped drinking the extra gatorade pre/mid workout and a bit fewer cals from a carb driven am meal. 

tttTD (thruster/pullups)

I will have to go back and look at the throwdown logging, but i think I was around the 25 rep mark of the 40 c2b pull ups. Of course the 95 thruster was fine and wasn’t even considering breaking up the 10 c2b, just knew I wasn’t going to be back there quick enough to justify it. The 135 bar wasn’t bad but wasn’t ready to be aggressive because I just didn’t see the value for me to really push, the round of 20 c2b I did 12/8. 155 pound thruster, shit go real! The weight felt good, but just didn’t have the mental drive to take short breaks. The round of 30 c2b I don’t exactly remember my breakdown but this is where I made a HUGE mistake, for all the extra resting in the workout I made a costly error that I’m glad I made now. After I did 2 sets of pull ups, i thought to myself, you just wasted a lot of time resting, when you could’ve maximized time changing plates, so I did that after my 2nd or 3rd set, just wasted time. At the 175 pound barbell I did sets of 3/4/3 – but at this point I was mentally defeated, leading to my find a better way to be effective in your warm up, I had plenty of time to finish the workout, and I have all the confidence in my skill set to finish 110%, however, I didn’t feel like suffering today enough to fight to the finish. I know this will happen from time to time so I just except and make sure I remember this day, this post and these writings and make sure I reflect on it the next time a really tough work out comes up. 


Sandbag work from last week if you have time/energy to hit it with quality

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