Tuesday – 7/14/2020 – TTT

A – Sumo deadlift from 2-3in deficit x 5 (not TNG), rest 2-3 min x 4 sets

255 across

B – BB hip thrusts x 12,12,8,8. rest 2 min


C1 – (Tucked front lever to extended inverted hang) x 3-4 controlled iterations on rings, rest 90 sec

Done felt good

C2 – Parallette shoot throughs x 4-5 with 2-3 sec L-sit hold in front of each before putting feet down, and controlled tucked planche in back of each before bringing feet to ground, rest 90 sec x 4 sets

I kind of liked this better than the straight shoot through even though this was a little tougher. 


For time

50 DU’s

100ft HSW

50 DU’s


50 DU’s


50 DU’s


10:02 – in my mind without putting much thought to it I was thinking sub 10 would be close and possible. Really was conservative in breaking the handstand walks up for the sets of 100 & 75, it was after finishing the set of 75ft that I started to feel the volume of the walks, then going from that point I tried to push the pace a little more. 25ft on all walks except for one in the round of the 50ft.

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