Saturday – 8/22/2020 – TTT

AMRAP 60 sec

Ring MU

(rest 30 sec)

AMRAP 60 sec

Strict HSPU

(rest 30 sec)

AMRAP 60 sec

Double unders

(rest 3 min x 3)

8-12-104 ——-6-12-111———-6-11-107 muscles ups felt ok maybe a little labored, lats and shouoders were a little tired from yesterday so it was just nice to get some volume in today


4 rounds for time:

400m run

3 rope climbs (first one of each round legless)

5 cleans 255lbs (power or squat) 

22:53 – I was secretly hoping for 5 minutes a round, but there was no way I was going to be able to power all cleans today @ 255, had I been able to power I would’ve been able to keep the rate high, but I had to squat clean everyone so this started slowing me down big time. Also rope climbs, I just need to find a way for a better set up, but regardless I don’t like pushing the limit of cycling through reps fast, I started pushing the run on the 3rd and 4th round, just knew I was slowing down elsewhere so I wanted to get a little uncomfortable there and then right into the first legless rope climb

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