Wednesday – 9/16/2020 – TTT

A. Power Snatch; 3 on the min for 3 minutes, 2 on the min for 3min, 1 on the min for 3 min

145-155-175 – 175 didn’t feel great, the other loads felt really good and crisp, felt like I was pulling more @ 175 then getting good power and leg drive when the bar was just passing my knee

B. Sumo stance Deadlift; 3-4 heavy reps x 4 sets; rest 2min



1 min Clock:

25′ HSW

5 Deadlifts @ 315lbs

AMRAP Strict HSPUs in the remaining time

rest 1min

x4-6 sets based on feel

12-7-4-4 – was very pleased with this all the way around. The biggest limiter in the amrap in rounds 3 and 4 was I just wasn’t moving the deadlift very fast and that starting eating away at time and energy for the strict hspu. Was very surprised at my set of 12 out of the gate and it felt fast and snappy. Round 3 of the handstand walk wasn’t great but cleaned it up much better in set 4. I need to get better at breathing when inverted. Sometimes in hspu, especially in my kipping hspu I can gather my thoughts to focus on my breath in the middle of it but wasn’t able to mentally dial that in today. 


On the 3min for 6 Sets:

50′ FRWL @ 50lbs

16 TTB/10 BMU

8 DB Power Cleans

*Alt bw 16 TTB and 8-10 BMU every 3min interval

TTB rounds were solid, would finish these around 1:27-1:34, after round 4 I had to take a short break and pause my clock, the bmu rounds were taking me much longer and in round 4 it took me 2:30ish – if the muscle ups were 7 or 8 might have been a little different, just didn’t have confidence going for 10 today, and funny things were happening with my grips, one time i felt the buckle start pinching my wrist and kind of felt some bfr type of feeling. But those were just funny scenarios.

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