Tuesday and Wednesday – 9/22 & 9/23/2020 – TTT

9/22 (DSGN overlap)

3 sets:

A1. False Grip Passive Hang w/ Ring Turnout: AMSAP +5 seconds on last weeks (35 sec cap)

A2. Bottom of Ring Dip Support Hold: 20 sec

A3. False Grip Ring to Chest Hold: 20 sec

A4. Top of Ring Dip Support Hold: 20 sec, accumulated for all

Rest 30-45 sec b/t each; rest as needed b/t sets for quality

False grip passive hang was hard, wrist didn’t want to cooperate so was about 15-20sec each time and would start slipping out at that point just a little. False grip chest to ring hold, was broken up into 2 and 3 sets.


3 Rounds:

1min Row

1min Ski

1min Bike

*Ramp each round from 65% to 85% effort

It was hard to mentally ramp up into the 85% effort range knowing I was going to have to go to that range and more for 21 minutes in an emom


EMOM x 21 (7x through, if you start to spill over a bit take a longer rest and continue but try to keep the density/speed the same)

Min 1: 15 Cal Row

Min 2: 15 Cal Ski

Min 3: 15 Cal Bike 

It was the bike that got me, and for the most part it was the effort and the transition that through me off. After the 3rd round I was telling myself I was going to take a minute off, then it became this game of cat and mouse where I said just get back to the rower and you will be fine, and then it was you can’t take a minute off until you have finished the rower because you are good there. And then in the 5th round, the bike took about 58 seconds, and transition into the rower was to slow and fought to get finished, I did in time but didn’t allow me enough to get my breath and was not going to be able to make the effort on the ski. So I took one minute off then ski, one minute off then bike, one minute off because the goal was to finish the last round in sequence. It was a fight but would not have been able to do another. 


A – Snatch pull x 1/Power snatch x 1/Hang Power snatch x 1 – new complex every 90 sec x 8

155 across – thought this would be a good load to hang out at, heavy enough that technique has to be dialed in a little more, but light enough that if I felt any positional faults I could fix it pretty easily on the next complex

B – OHS – Find tough 2 in 4 sets or less



Open 16.3 (pSn/BMU)

6+4 – I was super super tired today so the umph to really dig in, lace em up and really get after it wasn’t there. So with that being said I had one really big goal, fast quick transitions. I did rest more than I should’ve in my breaks of the snatch. I also for the first 3 rounds set the bar down when breaking instead of dropping and I decided I was wasting a shit ton of energy while doing that. Transitions as follows; 4-4-4-4-3-3-4-4-5-5-3-4 – I do have to grind for the first bmu on a few rounds bc of trying to be so quick. I walked backwards and jumped up to the bar and I don’t believe I have ever done that for a hanging gymnastics workout. Most of the time I walk up to it or turn to the bar so wanted to try this today because I’m sure that’s one of the fastest ways to get on the bar. 


B – Band pull apart series


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