Monday – 10/19/2020 – TTT

For time

500-400-300-200-100m Ski

30-25-20-15-10 Wallballs

20-16-12-8-4 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50lbs

(push transitions, push unbroken sets, preserve a ski pace)

12:53 – wasn’t really sure how to think about preserving a ski pace, except for the first ski, I wanted to move fast but was hard to put the hammer down when I first got on but got in cranked up a little quicker than I thought I would on the 400, the 300 down to 100 was just keep moving trying to stay close to a 2:00/pace – all ub elsewhere technically, on one round of the db snatch I dropped the db changing hands but didn’t stay on the ground but a second, only had one poor transition and that was after first wall ball when the ball hit the ground and started to roll away and I took a second to move it back.

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