Wednesday – 10/21/2020 – TTT

Mcgill big 3


Open workout 20.3

25ft handstand walk – couple of things here, Wednesday is the hardest day for me to get deep deep high quality sleep. It is the only day that my alarm Has to wake me up, so all other days are good, just this day is the toughest one. I do normally try to take a nap after I coach the early am classes, I normally do fall asleep for a little bit but it never feels like a deep sleep. Back to the workout, When I started I thought, ok here’s how I’m going to break the deadlifts up, then when I got into it I thought fuck it, see what happens, the only break I made was in the set of 15, and when I picked up the barbell for the set of 9 I thought well that might have been a mistake but I stayed the course. Hspu, same thing, only broke the 15’s, did rest on my head for a couple of quick breaks, just wanted to see what happens. I made a mistake by not setting up a second barbell and had to change the weights myself so this cost me quite a bit of time. 315 was really freaking heavy and a grind but that 25ft handstand walk felt really good. Some highs and lows today, but with the changing my own weights I’m pretty pleased with the effort solely based on just trying to figure things out in the moment and going for it.

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