Tuesday – 10/27/2020 – TTT

Bike 8-10 min, easy pace


Hip Flow x 5 min

Ending up spending quite a bit more time than 5 minutes on this, just got in a rhythm and was trying some flow work out


Banded pulldowns and Y’s from hollow x 6 each, rest 90 sec (https://www.instagram.com/p/BSB6zCnhNmW/?hl=en

Hollow/arch rolls from extended x 6-8/direction, rest 90 sec x 3 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okkc07gIzOY

This was really high quality work and attention to detail here. But trying to stay super super hollow on the hollow/arch rolls I started getting tired and fought to not get too sloppy


Parallette shoot throughs x 3/direction with pause at end range each side, rest 90 sec

Band assisted tucked planche x 10-15 sec, rest 90 sec x 3 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ykN-AEsR-E)

Loved this work today, i think the best my shoot throughs have ever felt


5 rounds, steady pace

90 sec bike @ high aerobic effort

5 jefferson curls with KB, slow tempo

5/side goblet hold cossack squats (only go through a range that is comfortable, no pain/restriction)

45 sec row @ high aerobic effort

Hanging straddle L-sit 6-10 sec (can do with bent knees if needed, just some anterior iso work)

Single leg sorenson hold 6-10 sec/side

As I took too much time on flow work, i but my bike from 90-60 as I was having a client coming in and was afraid I wouldn’t get all the work in. I forgot how much I value jefferson curls, I was/am feeling really stiff throughout so I need to sprinkle them in just to improve my movement quality and compression work there.

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