Monday – 11/2/2020 – TTT


Fittest Experience 21.3

AMRAP 14 min

Row 60 cals

20 american KB swings @ 53lbs (vertical at top)

15 box jump overs

10 kipping HSPU

(name of the game is the row here, and quick transitions when you get to the other 3 stations. find a row pace and stroke rate that gets you as close as possible to a calorie every pull) 

298 – man I wanted at least an even 300……when I got back on the rower I started doing some math and was trying to calculate if I could complete the round. Legs were pretty smoked and was having a hard time getting leg drive that was powerful enough consistently in the 60 cals to get off the rower in 3 min. Row splits were 2:42 (1297 avg cal/hr) – 3:11(11.07 avg cal/hr) – 3:14(1091 avg cal/hr) – the kb swings were the most annoying part because it was just hard to speed up the reps. My knees/legs were just not comfortable being super bouncy today, I felt I moved somewhat quick on box jump overs but without bounding it was hard to go as fast as potentially could.this workout was fun and tried to keep the hammer down the best I could. Did feel a little lost power on the rower but overall feel like there was no where to really make major changes if this was a redo qualifier

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