Friday – 12/4/2020 – TTT

A1 – 1-arm DB hang squat snatch x 4 alternating reps + 1-arm DB power snatch (touch floor between each) x 4 alternating reps @ 70lbs, rest 30 sec

The changing hands with the 70 is the tricky part, if I try and release and catch then it pulls me into the hang position and most of the time deeper than I want, if I lower to my shoulder I’m much more in control. And making the brain switch from snatch to power at times was a mind F.

A2 – 1-arm DB hang squat snatch x 8 alternating reps + 1-arm DB power snatch (touch floor between each) x 8 alternating reps @ 50lbs, rest 60 sec

The 50 felt so light, but timing felt off because my changing hand strategies were different. But overall enjoyed the combo of squat to power and heavy to light

A3 – 10 dbl DB power snatches for time @ 50lbs, rest 4 min x 3 sets



2 rounds for time (cap 16 min)

60 row cals

50 lateral burpees over erg (face away from monitor, no rules on jump/step, get over anyhow)

14:02 – row splits were right about 3, and 3:13, felt slow on the first round of burpee, I would say about 4 minutes-ish, that it was about what I expected but just felt even slower. In the last set of burpee goal was to keep moving, but at 3 points I took short breaks, number 18 and 22 on the ground, then at rep 31 I took a short break for breath for maybe about 3 seconds because I knew it was time to push to finish and starting to really fight for the last 19 reps, don’t remember exactly but the last 19 reps were in the ballpark of 1 minute.

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