Wednesday – 12/30/2020 – TTT

How much could a day like yesterday effect today. Yesterday was all machine based with around 24 minutes of work on the machines. Today just felt like I had a hard time from creating a high amount of tension in the hole of my cleans and front squats. I would receive the bar or lower to the bottom of the squat and felt like I couldn’t explode out of the hole. We know strength is down a little but just noticed that creating effective tension was harder and curious of the role of yesterday’s session.

Squat clean tech;

– 10 reps @60%

– 10 reps @70%

– 10 reps @75-85%

* rest as needed bw reps, focus on technique and speed

175 – 205 – 225 – 225 felt a little easier than the 205. Something else that this was really good for, at times I felt my chest staying forward and lifting with more of a hinge, I thought about the ankle/calves classroom and thought if that’s my strategy that’s fine but I shouldn’t be doing it at such a light load, but not having a time clock and having some good awareness allowed me to focus and fix/correct be dialed in with these issues


3-4 Rounds for times:

5 Front Squat @ 65-70% 1RM from the ground

20 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest as needed

1:10 – 1:10 – 1:07 @ 185 – I also tried on set 2 and 3 to start from a “starting mat” which make it a little more unique and fun. Finished the front squats around 13/14 and started the burpee at 15 so was happy with my burpee speed. On the 3rd set, my thought wasn’t pushing fater per se but how could I improve my speed and i tried to get down and up off the ground quicker. 


Cossack Squat: 5 reps/side x 5 sets; rest 1 min – barefoot, working deep end range


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