Monday – 1/11/2021 – TTT

A – 2-pos Halting clean grip deadlift x 4, rest 2 min x 4 sets (pause off floor and below knee, thinking about strong positions and appropriate tension through posterior chain and lats)

205 x 2, 225 x 2 – 2sec hold at each position and 3sec negative. Since this is the weight I felt those limitations I thought this was a good place to start. Could’ve maybe gone a bit more but was dialed in with the tempo and tension


Every 4 min x 3

8 Hang Power snatches @ 95lbs

40 DU’s

90 sec row @ 1150-1250 cal/hr

Each couplet portion took about 28-40sec power snatch got better each round as I felt a little groove there. Sport on in the row, and I would honestly say it was about a 7-8 RPE out of 10 to hit those numbers. I relied on leg drive and good technique and focused on breathing.


Every 4 min x 3

8 deadlifts @ 225lbs

10 kHSPU

90 sec bike @ 330-350 watts

Couplet took about 28-30sec, hspu felt really good, where the row was about a 7 or 8, this was more around an 8-9 out of 10. It was much harder to hold this effort. And my quads felt a little blown up after. 

also worth noting bt the two cyclical pieces. heart rate read 160’s on the rower and about the same or a few ticks lower, but I felt I could’ve gone another 45-60sec on the rower and the bike would’ve been a bigger fight that would’ve sacrificed some energy expenditure that might have been hard to come back from


Front rack loaded wall sit 60 sec on, 2 min off x 3 (parallel, feet narrow and toes forward)

Double kb’s at 20/hand, should’ve gone a little heavier but this still stucked

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