Saturday – 1/16/2021 – TTT

Let’s start off with an update on the QL. Hit most of the movements you shared last night. Also laid on the heating for a some time last night. It did not wake me up at all and felt so so this am. It just feels really really sore. Warming up abs starting the workout it was very present and even warming up the step overs I was a little nervous and lowered my expectations for the workout. And after the 40 cals adrenaline and blood flow helped and was not an issue after that. 

tttTD (row/DB)


Row splits (1:45.3 @ 1344, 1:27.8 @ 1204, 1:00 @ 1167, 27.2 @ 1304) —— step overs 12/10/8, 6/8/6, 10, 5 – rested too much on the breaks of step overs, but also tried to get the first step up within 5 seconds or less. I will also so that the mental limiter on step overs were grip and traps, I know that step overs do challenge grip as a limitation so that wasn’t just mental, but traps was bigger mental for sure


Every 3 min x 6-8 sets @ 88-90% effort

Bike 18 cals

Row 18 cals

rest walk remainder of window, lets put these paces around the middle sets for last week and shoot for consistency, only getting faster on last 1-2 if you’re feeling good and repeating the efforts

2:2:3-2:19-2:18-2:14-2:10-2:09-2:08-2:03 – was tight on time in the am and had a window to start this and I tried w/in 6-8 minutes of finishing and wasn’t quite ready, so to a short break, ran some errands and had some cookies and coffee and the back felt a little better. Maybe the cookies helped?

PM – update, as I’m typing this and watching football, I have been hitting up those movements you sent and hitting up some e-stem too. The QL feels pretty good, there is no limitations in any major movements, but if I move awkwardly while sitting down or just odd not normal positions it lets me know it’s still there. I also feel it if I get an excessive posterior tilt especially while sitting.

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