Tuesday – 2/2/2021 – TTT

E4MOM x 8 sets

30 sec bike @ tough effort

90 sec bike @ 10 min pace

(ensure you have a change of gears here, rev it up high and hang out there before dropping down to just above a cruise effort)

First 3 sets – 30sec in the 700’s but the cruise effort was hard as hell for the first 15 seconds or so. The middle sets for the tough effort would go bt 700 and upper 600’s, the last 2 sets i was starting at 700 for a few seconds and then it would dip and I would fight to keep it in the 6’s……but the last 2 sets I tried something different on the 90sec and that was equalling my breath cadence with the bike RPM and did so immediately and during those last 2 sets I was able to keep the bike about 318-330.


Face up plank hold on GHD x 20-30 sec, new set every 2:30 x 6 (adjust arm position to challenge, at sides is easiest and extended overhead is hardest)

Done – 30 on the first and mid 20’s on the last 5


1-arm front plank hold on low rings x 20 sec/side, rest 40 sec x 6 sets/side

So damn hard

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