Monday – 2/22/2021 – TTT

10 min @ warmup pace

10 cal bike

3 deadlifts

3 muscle cleans

3 kang squats

3/direction cossack squat

(start empty bar, build light load as you go)

Super solid warm up, class was using all bikes so had to ski


HSPU play

floor kip drill – , play around with this setup for a bit before progressing to inverted work

Really like this drill, almost wish my mat was a little smoother because I was afraid of some rug burn


kipping HSPU ‘play’ – 4-6 reps/set, adjusting hand width/depth from wall, turning fingers out, etc. 5-6 sets, film some and send them over so we can see how they look and try to find some rhythm/speed with them

I actually liked the most when my hands were away from the wall, however, this will be dangerous to get too comfortable in as I can only assume it might create some range of motion/foot line issues…..will edit video and send over this evening


EMOM x 8

Odd – 5 power cleans + 5 thrusters @ 115lbs

Even – 12 chest to bar pullups

Bb was about 18/19 seconds everytime – w/power clean really tried to stay over the bar as long as possible and it made it feel way lighter than 115, also tried to widen my squat stance on the thruster and didn’t love it at this load. C2b all unbroken and they felt really good today.


EMOM x 8

Odd – 10 thrusters @ 95lbs

Even – 12 bar facing burpees

Thruster – 18-17-19-18, bfb – 30-30-32-33 – this was the perfect amount of suck, new I was going to be able to push these and make them hurt, and they hurt just the right amount, didn’t feel completely recovered after the 1st full round, but there was never any fear that I couldn’t keep my numbers/time close to the same every round


EMOM x 6

20 unbroken wallballs

Same here, there was never a fear of not being able to stay around 35-36 sec/set, never really wanted to pick up the ball after the 3rd set, but knew I could hit all of them unbroken

This was the perfect day, as everything was hard and elevated heart rate, but knew I would be able to do everything I was supposed to do. I can see this being a great tool to help desensitize the sensation of feeling out of breath and just help with some mental confidence of being able to work under those situations.

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