Saturday – 3/13/2021 – TTT

A. Deadlifts 4,4,2,2,1. rest 3 min, building, but leave some in the tank



4 sets for times

6 DL @ 315lbs

8 dbl DB box step overs @ 35/hand

15 GHD situps

rest walk 2-3 min bt sets



3 rounds for time

30 wallballs @ 20lbs

30 row cals

3 rope climbs (15ft)

14:45 – took the rope climb very very conservative. I kind of looked at it like practicing rope climbs in a mixed environment. The elbows had been really irritated all week but with getting better at the lean back this actually felt decent. There was one point in the first round that I lost my feet completely at the top so i wasted quite a few seconds just trying to get my feet back on the rope. That made me more nervous for my elbows but was fine. Ascent in the 3rd round was great, it felt like what we’ve been trying to achieve all along, 2 pulls! Just the decent was a little off today. Row pace tried to do a mix of ⅓ at 1200 and never dropping below 1100.

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