Monday – 3/22/2021 – TTT


3-2-1 min on each machine, easy effort


Played the fish game on the first ski – i did much better on ski erg than I ever do on rower.


8-12 min, steady effort

3 inchworms

5 kang squats

8 alternating step ups

12 jump rope speed steps

30 sec/side perfect stretch

Inchworms aren’t pretty right after 21.2 soreness


Squat snatch from blocks above knee – 1.1.1, rest 8-10 sec/2 min x 5



Banded box squats – 5×5, rest 2 min, good concentric speed

185 – used some beat up old chains…..I don’t trust any of the bands at the gym to be of similar elasticity


5 rounds, not for time

20 sec parallette L-sit

20 sec freestanding HS hold

10/side side plank press ups

3 skin the cat on rings

This was way harder than many of the intensity pieces we do. First 2 rounds of L-sit done unbroken and good ones too. Definitely not unbroken the rest of the way. Did some handstand shaping work for a few holds prior to hitting the freestanding each round. Still not where I need to be but feel it’s getting better.

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