Wednesday – 4/21/2021 – TTT


Bike 40 sec on, 20 sec rest

*continue in this format until you accumulate 8000m

Took 21 intervals – had to jump into this immediately after coaching my am classes so I didn’t get a thorough warm up to prep so took the first few intervals as build ups. 


3x through, steady effort

8-10 straight leg situps

8-10 prone lift offs with PVC

8-10 good mornings with PVC



Ring MU thorough warmup


15 ring MU for time

*rest 1 min*

200 DU’s for time

*rest 1 min*

15 ring MU for time

1:42-1:54 – 2:59 – 1st set of rmu was 10/2/2/1 – i knew 10 out the gate was probably way too aggressive but I just wanted to see what would happen and where I was at. Same for double under, i thought going unbroken or close to it might hurt the rmu on the back end but I needed to see what it felt like. Last set of rmu was 2/3/3/3/3/1 – i had what felt like a really aggressive turnover and felt that saved me on a few reps towards the end. After hitting 8, I told myself let’s not have that sense of urgency quite yet as to not force the issue but let’s do that after you get a little closer


For time

15-12-9 reps each of

Dbl DB thrusters

C2B pullups

*thruster station setup 8ft away from rig

3:36 – this hurt really really bad…not sure if i wasn’t fully recovered but dbl db thruster suck!!!!! I seriously wanted to break the set of 12. In the beginning I thought just go smooth and easy and after the round of 15, i saw this was going to be tougher then any other thruster barbell pull up combo ever. I had a brief moment where I felt I should’ve done a slight heart rate prep for this piece but then I said too late and you just need to survive

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