Tuesday – 4/27/2021 – TTT

EMOM x 20

Min 1 – 50 DU’s

Min 2 – 50ft HSW

Min 3 – 24 alternating pistols

Min 4 – 10 dbl DB snatches (touch ground single head at bottom)

I knew this was going to hurt and it wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t for the db snatch, everything else was pretty solid. Really tried to push the hs walk, and the first 3 rounds were solid and could feel some fatigue and efficiency dip in the 4th round. Found a groove and the first 2 rounds of pistols and then tried to push that pace even more and go a little sloppy and then got really tired in the last round. Dbl db snatch was just move, breath and survive. 


GHD situps – 50 reps for time, 1 set

Every now and again the ghd send a painful nerve signal up my back and it did so on the first few reps even at my normal setting. So I readjusted the setting, started over and was a little better but was still apprehensive so I did the 50 with a sense of purpose and urgency but wasn’t going to a time on the clock


60 Cals Row for Time

rest 3min

45 Row Cals for Time

rest 3min

30 Row Cals for Time

rest 3min

15 Row Cals for Time

2:14 (1592) – 1:39.9 (1604) – 1:06.7 (1599) – 31.8 (1670) – really surprised myself on the 60 cals that I was able to stay in the 1600’s the whole time. Wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do that but about 45sec in I thought, this isn’t that bad and i can keep this effort the whole way. In the 45 interval I was going at a great clip but with about 10 calories to go I felt like i was dying. The 30 set, my stomach felt that feeling that you feel when you don’t feel great.


20min Continuous Bike erg (nasal breathing only)

Only had time to get in 12 minutes (poor procrastination on my part and a client showing up early)

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