Saturday – 5/1/2021 – TTT

3 rounds for time (from DSGN)

15 deadlifts @ 225 lb.

35 overhead squats @ 75 lb.

90 double-unders

11 flat – cost myself about 15sec in the last round when I was trying to speed up my DU with 30 left and clipped at rep 89. In hindsight I should’ve done first round of OHS unbroken. Did 2 sets, and 3 in the next 2 rounds. First round was afraid that they would effect my shoulders for DU but should’ve just fought a little more. Same for the next rounds. My allergies were really bad in the am so it took me a while to get fired up to get after it. Didn’t effect me at all in the session but getting motivated took a little longer in warm. Transitions were great, breaks were great and short in the first 2 rounds, and that 3rd round when I need the killer instinct wasn’t were it should be

+ (rest to recovery)

On the 3min for 2-3 Sets:

20 GHDSUs (remove and make these hollow rocks or V-ups if back isnt happy here)

2 Rope Climbs

2 sets – ghdsu were absolutely fine…rope climb ascents are feeling so so much better from a technique perspective, the descent still needs some work. I feel more comfortable when I have my gymnastics mat under me, even though it really doesn’t do much it still gives a slight boost of confidence.

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