Friday – 5/14/2021 – TTT



Freestyle 100m warmup

Kick 50m warmup

Backstroke 25m warmup


Streamline Progression

Accumulate 6 maximal distance streamline push-offs (note furthest distance)

Accumulate 6 streamline push-offs + 10 alt flutter kicks


Variable Speed 50’s

4 x 50’s; rest 60sec b/t

-15y @ max sprint

-30y @ smooth

Rest 3-4min b/t sets x 3 sets

Going to have to be very adaptable with swimming. The is currently only one olympic size pool available that doesn’t require a membership and it has limited lap swim, a little more flexible open swim but still limited. On memorial day another local pool will open up that has much more available times and has a lot of open swim which from what i understand isn’t heavily populated. So will just make pivots on my end and make it work and then after the 31st will be able to make things happen a little easier. 

Took the running session from monday….wasn’t originally going to with what the throwdown is for saturday, but thought that would be great practice. There was also track practice at the local high school but they have a nice torain around the campus that allowed for some change in inclination through hills. Covered 3.6 k – in hindsight i think i could have pushed the pace a little more but this was a good place to start working with some of the uphill climbs that I feel lasted the whole time.


HS obstacle accessory work

Ramp rebalancing on ascent and descent with hands even and offset (goal here is static holds in each position and moving away from wall under control) –, do 3-4 sets of each

Stair rebalancing on ascent and descent with hands offset (straight arm strength and control on hand that is ‘lower’) –, 3-4 sets of each

Approach practice for stairs/ramp (specific focus on stairs for you, use the single plate stack, start small, then build to height of one step, then add a second stack beside it, use the wall to ensure you continue to leverage forward momentum with confidence of not falling forward) –

Shoulder taps with 1-hand on bottom stair x 5-6 controlled taps/side x 3 sets (this is more strength work than skill, but the weight shifts necessary will be good exposure. place stairs sideways against wall, so that when you face wall you can place one hand on bottom stair and the other on flat ground beside it. then actively ‘push’ off of down hand to shift weight onto stair hand, and as you gain control work towards adding a shoulder tap at the top)

All videos you had linked i tried going to were private so i tried to emulate the best i could from what I perceived your notes to be. But one of the biggest things i noticed from today was, ramp work was good and boy am i glad that we are practicing this and staring with these drills. The ramp definitely challenged my wrist flexibility. 

The plates as steps will be super helpful, today just used 25’s, quality got better each pass i made but the biggest challenge today wasn’t getting up and walking over the group of 25’s i set up, it was coming down back to the ground and not losing control

I had a hard time with the shoulder taps and the hand on the stairs, the down hand was tough but good when i made the appropriate weight shift. 


Assault bike 8 sec for max watts, slow spin 1:22 x 4 (record max watts each set)



30min running clock

As many rounds as possible of

15 sec AB @ 80% of max watts from above

Rest 1 min b/w bouts

*terminate workout when you begin to compensate biomechanically (shifting or changing movement pattern to accomodate for fatigue), breathing cannot get back down to baseline during rest / hyperventilation is induced, you can no longer elicit the Rx’d power output, or quality of work significantly drops off. Once you terminate the intervals, use remaining time in the 30 min to AB at a slow spin, around 100 watts

12 solid intervals hitting no lower than 869 towards the end of the intervals. 896 – 92? was pretty average pace – the 13th wasnt able to hold rx output the whole 15sec interval.


Single leg eccentric hamstring curls on sliders x 5/side x 3 sets (band around ankle pulling foot away from body)

Love these!


Single leg alternating strict crossbody toes to bar x 5/side (get foot as high as possible while keeping leg straight, then lower under control), rest 2 min x 4 sets

At rep 8 pretty consistently is where it became very difficult to lower under control

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