Tuesday – 5/25/2021 – TTT

Dryland Prep

*set a 15min timer to get your body prepped and ready to swim

*I want you to get into a consistent routine since MOST CF events do not allow you in the water to warm-up prior to the event

*dryland follow-along: https://youtu.be/qiN2E7-zXuA

This was really good, and will be super valuable moving forward!

Water Prep

100 Swim @ easy


2 x 50 / 30sec rest @ smooth


4 x 25 / 15sec rest @ cruise

*goal here is to gradually progress your speed / intensity up so that you’re hitting the final 4 x 25’s at your 300 TT target pace / effort

Currently at this moment, i struggle to consistently shift gears of speeds. It will happen but consistency from one time to the next is not there yet


Baseline Testing

300y Time Trial baseline test

So i really should’ve converted the yards distance from meters before i started. But we have a long way to go here. But with this being a baseline test, there is only one way to go up becuase it can’t get much worse. It was in the 7:03 range i believe. I just don’t trust myself continuing with freestyle for more than 100m at a time, and not even really over 50m. I was semi comfortable with 50m freestyle than 50m back stroke, but my back stroke shoulder mobility is a struggle to get much out of my arms. The only positive from today is I did not have to resort to a doggie paddle. My biggest problem is staying in a freestyle stroke as soon as i get tired and struggle to breath and then i lose streamline position and feet and hips drop. We actually have a neighbor who is a collegiate triathlete and works at the pool so I’m going to see if i can recruit her to assist in teaching me and priotitizing the skills and drills to work on. I can see some things that i need to do, which is much different from  3-4 years ago. I want to get better at this so bad. I do see that swimming twice a week will be huge. 



10min “social kick” w/ board (social kick = casual, conversational pace)

I only have 45 minutes allowed in the pool so I only had time for a few minutes here.

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