Friday and Saturday – 5/28 & 5/29/2021 – TTT



For time:

20 OHS @ 135lbs

15 squat snatch @ 175lbs

10 power clean and jerk @ 205lbs

5 squat cleans @ 255lbs

11:13 – the only part I struggled with really was the squat snatch. It was more of my shoulder discomfort and being able to get consistently get in a good position. Power clean and jerk fired up the elbows for the first 2 reps but then found a groove. The squat cleans were fun as it took about 1 minute to do the first 2 reps but the last 3 reps got those completed in about 35 seconds


EMOM x 20-25 (CF movement capture)

Min 1 – 14-17 wallballs

Min 2 – 12-15 toes to bar

Min 3 – 13-16 row cals

Min 4 – 12-15 kHSPU

Min 5 – rest, actively on bike

(start at lower end of rep range, add 1 rep/round for each movement)

25 minutes total minutes. Pushed the row and tried to stay in the 1500’s, and that made the hspu a little harder than probably normally would’ve

5/29 (in Knox, lower equipment)

TTT gait prep


Run 550m with weight vest, directly into

Run 550m unloaded

rest walk 4 min

Run 550m unloaded, directly into

Run 550m with weight vest

rest walk 4 min x 2

(4400m total for the day, assuming there is a place midway on your natural loop that you can dump the vest and continue on)

Running felt solid today. This was also a good experience for a few things, making sure weight vest is tight and secure that it doesn’t effect my running. It was also good practice to transition out of the vest to get into the unvested run. 


2 sets

15 sandbag ground over shoulder

100m swim across inlet

30 burpees on far side

100m swim back across inlet

rest to full recovery between. use this as sighting practice in open water, try to stay on a true course without spending extra time treading water and finding bearings. if this distance is too aggressive in this format, remove the extra 100m at the end, and do 3 sets of sandbag/swim/burpee, burpee/swim/sandbag, sandbag/swim/burpee.

The double 100m was too much in this format, a couple of things, not sure if just being in open water or the mixed format but i had a harder time kicking, and being out of breath struggled to keep the head down in the water to reduce drag. Also divinig into water took my goggles off the first time so that was a good thing to pay extra attention. Sandbag over shoulder in the first round but our poor little old wooden dock sounded like it wouldn’t be able to take another round of the sand bag slamming into it. So went bear hug squats and did 3 sets, changing order each set per your recco.

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