Wednesday – 6/9/2021 – TTT


Running volume

Speed work + longer running

A. A Match; 20 yards x 2-3 sets; rest as needed

B. B March; 20 yards x 2-3 sets; rest as needed

C. 180/90/45 Degree Cut Practice (shuttles, slaloms, obstacles. dont spend too long here, just 6-8 min)

Done – and did nfl 3 cone shuttle and 5-10-5 shuttle


30-40 minute run @ conversational pace

rest 2:00

4 x 20s hill run @ 90%, rest 1:40

The rain drove this indoors… hit the air runner for both, the other kicker was the batteries were out and had to rely on the old unreliable watch to give me metrics. The run at conversational pace was no real metrics needed, but also we put on some 80’s jams to make sure it was conversational pace by occasionally giving karaoke impressions and verses. Sprinted for 20sec on air runner, ball park of 100 meters and change


For time

Amanda 21

(21 ring MU + 21 squat snatches @ 155lbs)

8:24 – did my first snatch and looked at the clock and i believe it was 3:14 – didn’t do the 2nd rep super quick but from rep 2-7 was pretty consistently every 9 seconds or so, wanted to do cluster sets in this fashion but started waning around rep 11. Around rep 18 i felt a tightness in my neck/trap/ CT junction, nothing major or serious that we need to worry about, just think it’s more a product of my Wed (I had a pretty good nap on the couch this morning after coaching and may have just slept on the pillow wrong.) missed rep 20 as i was trying to push the last 4, this definitely cost some valuable time as i wanted to not miss again. As the night has progressed it just feels like i need an adjustment or some manipulation to some to the spine.

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