Saturday/Sunday – 6/12/2021 – 6/13/2021 – TTT


Not the best training day at all… excuses just some observations that got away from me. After hitting the throwdown i noticed my pee was extremely yellow, and even though i have a plan of water consumption i trust that i get it but don’t have a tracking system so just think my hydration was really low than needed yesterday and felt the effect of it today. 


tttTD (wall walk/snatch)

4 reps into the 7 snatch. I struggled to get my shoulders open well enough to be efficient on the wall walks. Consistently was taking 4-5 steps to get to the wall which was burning me out way too quick. Snatch felt good when i focused on staying over the bar longer and at times i did not early on and this burned out the shoulders even more then i found a better groove with the snatch. Just an off am


1-arm unbroken BB farmer carry x 50ft, new set every 90 sec x 8, alternating arms

Didn’t have my handles at the gym so just moved the 100lb kb


2-3 sets

KB pitchers curl x 5-6 reps/arm

Overhead DB tricep extensions from seated (single DB held in both hands) x 10-12

Rope threaded KB bicep curls x 8-10

Finger extensions with band on rice bucket fist openers x 10/side

I might not have my handles at the gym but i do have a bucket of rice. This was solid and my elbows are making some nice progress. 


For time (keep reps the same each round, change your own bar)

3 rounds of DT @ 135lbs

2 rounds of DT @ 165lbs

1 round of DT @ 195lbs

11:28 – not sure where the time went on this, the hang clean was my limiting factor, at the 165 and 195 barbell. Sto wasn’t crisp the first round at 165, so i was a little more cautious the 2nd round but that moved well. At this point i do not remember how i broke up the hang clean, i think the first round i did 8 drop, and 1 into the sto. The second round i’m pretty sure i had to do it in 3 sets. I did fail one rep at the 195 and it was a half ass attempt but was also trying to rely on the bop bop clean at 195 and that faded about 2 reps in so i felt more confident at loading a more traditional hang position. This was broken into 3 sets for 8 reps including the miss, and the 1 into the shoulder to overhead which i was more mentally committed to and hit those 6 in a row.


3 sets for times:

Bike 20 cals

10 OHS – 205lbs from floor

Bike 3 min @ easy/recovery pace

My neck did not feel super restricted at this point, but i think the neck issues were driven by my traps which at this point were pretty locked up, i started warming up the overhead squat but was not in a good place mentally so i decided to call it and just mentally regroup.

6/13 – easy sunday sweat

Every 4 min x 4

Row 500m @ 1:50-1:53/500m

+ (rest as needed)

Every 4 min x 4

Bike erg 1k @ 1:57-2:00/1k

+ (rest as needed)

Every 3 min x 4

Ski 500m @ 1:55-2:00/500m


Bike erg 10k easy cooldown in the sun, around 2:05-2:10/1k


Add some light mobility/ROMWOD in the sun

I wanted to do everything at home today, so i did the first row portion, rested as needed and repeated that. Then did 4 sets on my Air bike and did a 15 min cooldown pedal in the sun. Not the greatest training weekend overall. So looking forward to getting a good nights rest, proper hydration and fueling and being refocused on monday

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