Saturday – 7/10/2021 – TTT


For time

150 double under buy in, into

20 power cleans @ 95/65

20 chin over bar pullups

16 power cleans @ 135/95

16 chest to bar pullups

12 power cleans @ 155/110

12 strict pullups

8 power cleans @ 175/125

8 bar MU

4 power cleans @ 195/145

4 burpee bar MU, into

150 double under cash out

15:34 – This was a really fun workout……broke up all gymnastics movements except for bmu, strict pull up were broken up quite a bit more, knew i could keep a good sense of urgency by coming down and going back up on all, 95 barbell did 3 sets. UB first double under, and 50’s on the second, should’ve really pushed that a bit more, like a 50 then 100


AMRAP 20 min

400m run

20 wallballs

20 burpees to 12in touch on wall (switch directions after 10)

20 1-arm alternating DB hang snatches

Due to a really big class, started at the wall ball because of wall ball space, so this really changed the dynamic of not being able to come out on the first run with some aggression, which those 4 movements combined made that run hard as shit. 3 + 60 w/about 75 meters into the run, however starting with the wall ball probably allowed me to get that extra set of burpee in.

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