Week of October 18

Day 1 (squat deload)

A – Front squats – 6 sets of 3 @ 50-60%, rest 2 min, same load across, focus on quality positions and good speed

175 across

B – 1-arm Bottoms up KB overhead presses from standing x 5/side, rest 30 sec bt arms x 3 sets

35-44-35 – wish i could’ve done 44 on all sets but that set was a little iffy and unstable and was harder to press on the rights side, and a little wonky on the left

C1 – Banded straight arm PVC lat pulldowns from hinge position x 10-12, rest 45 sec

C2 – Prone scapular swimmers from floor x 20 sec continuous motion, rest 45 sec x 3 sets’

Done and done


12 min AMRAP @ 60-70% effort

Bear crawl 30ft

Horse walk 30ft

KB crossbody carry 30ft

Lizard crawl 30ft

Ostrich walk 30ft

KB crossbody carry 30ft (opposite variation to above)

Went for 15 minutes because i wanted some extra crossbody carries in

Day 2


5 minute echo bike nasal breathing only

5 minute row nasal breathing only

3 minute echo bike nasal inhale, mouth exhale

3 minute row nasal inhale, mouth exhale

1 minute echo mouth breathing

1 minute row mouth breathing



5x through Pick drill @ 8 strokes per position



12 minutes

:30 row @ 5s/500m faster than 30 min pace

:30 row @ 10-15s/500m slower than 30 min pace


8 minute echo bike @ very easy effort


12 minutes

:30 row @ 5s/500m faster than 30 min pace

:30 row @ 10-15s/500m slower than 30 min pace


8 minute echo bike @ very easy effort


6 x 20s row @ 1k effort, 40s easy row recovery


10 minute echo bike cooldown

My target range for high efforts was 1:50-1:51 – was work especially on the second portion but was sustainable and target of 1:40 on 20sec intervals

Day 3

Ring MU skill work if able to get into that gym here

My hands were so tender from the row work so was hard to get a ton of volume accumulation here but at least got some exposure in so that was exciting as well as some drill work too


For time

30 dbl DB devil press @ 50/hand

3:47 (15 reps @ 1:35 and didn’t rest until 18 reps)

(rest 3 min)

For time

10 dbl DB devil press @ 70/hand

3:20 – the first 2 reps were a fight to lockout, and then after that I went to c&j variation and was able to move quite a bit quicker. Lost so much time and energy on the first 2 reps, but the next 8 moved a lot more efficient and much shorter breaks. 

(rest as needed)

For rounds/reps


19 + 13 – i started losing the emom pace around minute 9 or 10, I also started breaking the push ups up early as they were irritating to my elbows, more in the sense of old man elbows, not my tendonitis pain, more ligament/bone discomfort near where the triceps insert. But as soon as I hit the 15 minute mark I just tried to pick up pace and power through and alomsot caught back up to emom pace. Had i kicked in 1 minute sooner and stayed mentally resillient would have put myself in a postion to do so.

As of now, no swim this week, unposted was I did hit an open water swim last friday and that was a good learning experience. Decent dryland warm up, but as soon as i stuck my head in the water, the water was so cold that I had a hard time keeping my face down and finding a stroke rhythm to not being able to breathe for the forest 100m. Hit land on the other side and took a few minutes and was a little better on the back end of the 100m swim.

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