Wednesday 2/16/2022 – Friday 2/18/2022


EMOM x 8

Odd min – 5 clean grip DL, not TNG, flash hands

Even min – AMRAP strict presses @ 115lbs, no pauses longer than 2 sec in any position

275-295-315-335 – all pretty smooth until the 4th rep @ 335, when i had to regrip a little more than just flash my hands….this was a good confidence builder after the struggles of some heavy deadlifts in recent workouts. – 10-8-8-7 on press


6 sets

Row 500m @ cruise effort

6 wall walks/18 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50lbs

60 DUs

20 chest to bar pullups/20 toes to bar

rest 4-5 min to recovery, alternating between variations each set for 3 of each

4:54-4:14-4:57-4:21-4:51-3:28**** the last set did 250m – was pressing for time as my client showed up for our session so didn’t want make him wait and knew cutting about 1 minute of row would allow.

2/18 (lets do tttTD this day to set the weekly schedule)

“The Open”

10min AMRAP

10 Power Snatch @ 95lbs

10 Burpees to 6″ Reach

10 Thrusters @ 95lbs

10 CTB

3+21 – I had one of my better open prep warm ups for this as i knew it was going to hurt. But this might be one of the top 10 worst/toughest workouts I can remember. I had 2 full rounds right around the 5 min mark, my transitions from c2b to power snatch were really good, but starting the 3rd round I just couldn’t hang on for big tng sets, so i at least tried to do as fast of singles as i could. Not sure how long that round of burpee took, but it was definitely slower than i needed it to be. Thruster, i broke each round, but that was more because I knew I could pick it up pretty quickly and be okay. I feel ok with thrusters right now, but not the confidence of where i have been in the past. C2b felt spot on today, and i knew that 3 rounds was going to happen so i didn’t plan on breaking those at all. So round 3 took about 3 minutes and that set of power snatch was slow and all singles and had about 35-40 seconds when i finished the power snatch to get the burpee and 1 thruster. A technical thing was i had a hard time going chest to the ground first on the burpee in round 3 and maintaining rhythm, rounds 1 and 2 were good but struggled there. 

+ (rest as needed)

5×5 push jerks, rest 2 min

185×2, had to drop as I was pretty sure i was going to miss a rep somewhere along the way. 165×3


Ring Mu unbroken sets for time


4:43 – i even had to change rings after the set of 5 as one set was about an inch higher than the other and it was really irritating my shoulder. Lost a little bit of time with that, so i’m very pleased with that. For a brief moment before i started the day i thought, I might go for 9 more just to see where my 30 for time are but after i did my first rep and that fun little diddy of a workout, i knew that shit was not going to happen.


AMRAP 3 min

Rounds of DT @ 155lbs


AMRAP 6 min

Rounds of Mary


AMRAP 3 min

Rounds of DT @ 115lbs


AMRAP 6 min

Rounds of Cindy

(rest as needed)

15 wall walks for time, rest 3 min x 2

2+6 – 4+1 – 1+20 – 5+13 – it would be easy to get baited into 4 separate training pieces here but wanted to approach it like a 30 minute amrap (i know it was 18), so I paced the first 3 min of DT, my left shoulder was a little angy from the the shoulder work yesterday, so this slowed down my push jerk cycling, front rack felt stiff and spent a little more energy on the negative than i should. But no issued on the hspu. This shoulder issue, and more so the fatigue made me very mentally hesitant on the 2nd time through on DT as I did not deload the bar and left it at 155 smh…..just a complete brain fart in the moment and not enough attention to detail as I read right through it and didn’t let my brain process the info appropriately. The mary portions felt really good, pistols were slow and steady, fast transition to hspu (as fast as i could be with a 12 feet transition to wall or so), pull ups, (LATS, who needs LATS and SHOULDERS???????)….all sets of pull ups UB, Cindy portion was break up the push ups from the beginning and push the air squats and make up some time there. Also very thankful that pull ups got a break lol. I know I lost a few days a few weeks back and a week around that time as well and feel the volume over this weekend was good, and know that was as much of the challenge as anything else. I was tired going into this but just said lets be as smooth and steady as we can be and try and minimize resting where you can.

Wall walk – 4:23 – 4:12 – it might be too late to accumulate some volume for the open here but I definitely want to build up the wall walk tolerance. One, the habit of looking at the wall is not consistent the whole set, two the number that feels like it gets super tough is around 7. The first set I just went. The second, i had a plan and strategy to try and cut down the time and it worked. I know the overall fatigue on me mentally and physically was pretty high, but i have to extend the tolerance out here.

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