Monday 5/2/2022 – Wednesday 5/4/2022


A – Mid thigh hang power clean – 2 reps every 30 sec x 12, work on speed/smoothness of turnover, and active catch position with hips. keep these around 135-155


B – Push press – 4 sets of 4 with 2 sec hold overhead each rep, rest 2 min, moderate loading

165 across

C – 1-arm DB push press x 6 TNG reps with 1 sec hold at lockout each rep, rest 30 sec bt arms, 90 sec after both x 3 sets

60-70×2 – 70 was a bit heavy for the left arm, towards the last few reps keeping the elbow up was the challenging, wasn’t as much the strength to drive the pull overhead

D – AMRAP 45 sec strict pullups, rest 45 sec x 3, rest 4 min x 2 sets (6 x 45 sec rounds)

(18/12/10) – (15/10/9)


Echo 30 cals @ 90% effort, (goal finish times of just under 2 min, dont try to go extra hard on these, make the finishes consistent and sustainable, should feel grindy but doable)

rest walk 2 min x 6 sets

1:38-1:36-1:34-1:38-1:41-1:41 – definitely didn’t go too hard and felt i wa right around 90% effort, so the moral of the story is, find this exact bike everytime i do some bike work


75 cal bike, progressive intensity, first 30-40 very easy pace then ramp into it steadily as you go



Positional breathing from Piked HSPU position (toes on box, hips above shoulders). do 5 breath cycles with arms extended, and 5 breath cycles with head on ground. rest as needed x 3 sets

Really tried to fight to press my torso through my arms


Positional breathing from quadruped position (hands below shoulders, knees below hips – ). push through ground to protract scaps, breathe in through belly and mid to upper back, 360 degree expansion. 5 breath cycles, rock hips back to heels slowly with each breath, rest as needed x 3 sets

Que to breath through the mid to upper back was key


Piked HS walk 180 degrees + 10 alternating shoulder taps from piked HS + Piked HS walk 180 degrees back, slow spin on bike with ful inhale/exhale as active recovery x 3 sets ( )

Tried to rotate which way i started to see if there was major discrepancy in directions


Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, )

KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep ), rest as needed x 3 sets

Love giving overhead drops to my clients but don’t love doing them as much, just a good kind of hard


For time


Row cals


*rest 60 sec bt rounds, keep intensity a bit higher here but dont go dark

8:24 – got a bit higher output each interval on the row, some of that may have been mental and some may be not a  long enough ramping warm up. Regardless, fun piece and had a buddy jump in with who is a really strong rower so that was some motivation as well 


A1 – Bench press – 8,8,6,6,4. rest 90-120 sec


A2 – Paused front squats – 6,6,4,4,2. rest 90-120 sec. 2 sec pause at depth each rep.


*goal will be to build for each set, for each movement. don’t have to end maximal effort here, just something tough by the end and we will build on that

Wasn’t exactly maximal effort but wasn’t much more in the tank for the bench press, but squat felt good


Every 5 min x 4 sets

Bike erg 1k

16 toes to bar

12 bar facing burpees

3:00 – 2:54 – 2:54 – 3:00


B – B-stance BB hip thrusts x 6/side x 4 sets, rest 1 min bt sides, keep these moderately loaded so you can get good isolation on the loaded side

Was a little pressed for time so started and stayed light because i knew i could get some sets in there without having to keep adding weight to find the sweet spot

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