Wednesday 5/27 – Friday 6/3


2 Full Rounds:

30 Sec Assault @ 85+%

30 Sec Easy Spin



30 Sec Row @ 85%

30 Sec Easy Spin



2 rounds for time of the 1k/500m (target finish of 7:20 or under)

rest walk 4 min x 5

7:03-7:05-7:05-7:07-7:07 – so so much easier on the echo!!!!!! Give me the echo on this all day.


A – Power snatch – 1 rep every 30 sec x 5, rest 2 min x 4 (20 total, less dense, lets build in load here a bit from last week)



2 rounds for time

50 wallballs

20 1-arm alternating snatches @ 60lbs

6:44 – broke up the wall ball strategically and stayed smooth and unbroken on snatch. Just feel a break on the db is more costly as it’s normally going to be harder to pick up right away than the wall ball

(rest as needed)

2 rounds for time

50 HR pushups

20 strict pullups (must control negative each rep)

10 even – man push ups suck

5/29 – OFF


Continuous wall walks x 3 reps (feet dont touch floor between reps. bring them down to about 12-16in above ground, then go right into next rep from there)

new set every 75 sec x 8

I was very intimidated about this workout going into it but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Especially as soon as i got my rhythm of how many steps to take but i always forget to look at the wall when going back


4 rounds @ steady effort

1-arm BB push press x 5-6/side ( )

1-arm BB partial ROM TGU x 2/side (up to elbow/knee, then back to ground)

1-arm BB suitcase deadlift x 5-6/side

This was tough but a super fun/unique perspective on movement. Was hardest based on having to brace super hard on most of the movements but it was so fun to get out of the normal movement scheme and do these movements. I loved it


Core support

Sliding pike ups with feet on sliders or rower seat, controlled eccentric x 8 reps x 3 sets, rest as needed ( )



Single leg eccentric hamstring curls on sliders x 6/side x 3 sets ( )



1-arm side plank with hand on low ring x 15-18 sec/side x 4 sets

Have to make up later


Reverse table top plank hold 30 sec on, 60 sec rest x 4 sets

Did much later in the day 


Echo bike 3 min nasal breathing only

Echo bike 2 min inhale through nose, exhale through mouth

Echo bike 1 min regular breathing



4 sets, starting around 65-70% effort, getting faster with each set

400m run

20 cal row

20 cal ski

20 cal echo

rest walk 4-5 min bt sets

7:00-6:10-5:35-5:13 – first set might have been too conseervative but i also did not do much of a warm up to prepare for it other than the gas exchange focused warm up.


EMOM x 8

3 bench presses @ 55-65% effort (light and fast, add skinny band resistance if you can

125 w/skinny bands that didn’t feel like they did much at all


EMOM x 8

3 front squats @ 55-65% effort (same, light and fast, add skinny bands if able)

165 – same as above


B-stance BB hip thrusts x 5/side immediately into 10 bilateral hip thrusts, rest 2-3 min x 4 sets (keep them light to moderate)

95 – so originally I thought, hey i’ll do the first set at 95 and then I’ll add some load from there, but holy moly that was a deep uncomfortable burn going to the bilateral. 


Frog pumps x 40, rest 2 min x 3 sets


This week has been absolutely crazy with the holiday throwing off the rhythm of my schedule and energy so this week was the perfect opportunity to go hard when i needed to but not for a long long time or committment and really focus on quality of movement. Much needed more due to outside stressors of a little “deload” time of change in the week

6/2 – OFF


2 Full Rounds:

30 Sec Assault @ 85+%

30 Sec Easy Spin



30 Sec Row @ 85%

30 Sec Easy Spin



2 sets

3 rounds for time of (1000m AB + 500m row)

(target finish of 11:30 or under)

rest to 18 min mark for start of next set

10:38-10:31 (row times 1-6 1:51.9-1:51.9-1:53.7-1:51.4-1:51.5-1:49.7) – even though row splits don’t show it a ton, I really tried to pull back on the bike in the 2nd set so i could push the row a little harder. The bike feels smooth but it’s the rower that feel like a little more work so wanted to push that a little more and that was the big difference in the 2 sets, i didn’t feel like I was working any harder


5 min down regulation breathing


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