Satuday & Monday – 6/4/2022 & 6/6/2022


A – Power snatch – 1 rep every 20 sec x 5, rest 2 min x 4 (20 total, stick around same loading as last week at a higher density)

167-172-175-180 last set was a bit aggressive but powered through, pun intended



15 min amrap:

14 Cal Row

8 hang squat clean thrusters 95lbs

8 box jumps 24in (open standard)

7+29 – my goal was to stay as cyclical as possible in nature, the main drop off was on the box jump overs, the rower had some drop off as well but after round 3 i stayed consistent staying in the upper 1100’s – I didn’t push much harder in here because i was afraid that it would force me to WANT to slow down my transition and keeping moving through the sq-cln/thruster – stayed unbroken on all of those sets. Even the last 2 rounds i thought about breaking to try and move faster on the box jump and the row but in the moment i told myself you probably won’t pick up the bar as fast as you need to if you break so don’t break. 


Bicep/Pulling Finisher:

For time:

75-100 Ring Rows – High body elevated, should be able to complete 15-20+ reps at a time

Did 15 reps at a time – and did it for time but didn’t really do it watching the clock

6/5 – OFF


Continuous wall walks x 3 reps (feet dont touch floor between reps. bring them down to about 12-16in above ground, then go right into next rep from there)

new set every 60 sec x 6-8, take a bigger break at midway point if it starts to get tight

I took a bigger break after set 5, i was fine after set 4, but the 2nd rep in set 5 I took way more hand steps than i had been taking and thats when i knew i needed a quick break. Set 6 and 7 were good and set 8 again the steps were many, i had been averaging 4-5 steps and those creeped up and it was the steps going back down to and a little loss of good controlled hollow


5 rounds @ steady effort

1-arm BB push press x 5-6/side ( )

1-arm BB partial ROM TGU x 2/side (up to elbow/knee, then back to ground)

1-arm BB suitcase deadlift x 5-6/side

Last week this was super super hard, but today was not as bad. But still super super fun


Core support

Sliding pike ups with feet on sliders or rower seat, controlled eccentric x 10 reps x 3 sets, rest as needed ( )



Single leg eccentric hamstring curls on sliders x 8/side x 3 sets ( )



1-arm side plank with hand on low ring x 18-21 sec/side x 4 sets

Right around 18-19 seconds each time


Reverse table top plank hold 35 sec on, 55 sec rest x 4 sets


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