Monday to Saturday – 6/20/2022 – 6/25/2022


Parallette shoot throughs for active pressure x 4/direction x 3 sets

I really love these


Tucked front lever with tempo descent – accumulate 18 reps for control of negative today, rest as needed ( )

Broke these up into 3 sets of 6, did the first 6 with a shorter rest but still resting as needed, and a little longer rest before i started the next chunk


Parallette tucked planche drive to L-sit + drive back to parallette planche – 10-12 attempts, rest as needed

Felt better than last week and a little more control,


20 russian swings @ 32kg

new set every 2 min x 6



1-arm standing farmer hold @ 135lbs ALAP, rest 1 min bt arms x 3 sets/side (same, try to go farther!)

Using a bar that had a middle marker made a huge difference. 24-18-19 seconds (this were the numbers on the left side) – i was stronger on the right, but on the  right side, my shoulder would internally rotate the bar


Power snatch – 1 rep every 20 sec x 6, rest 2 min x 3 (155-165)

155-165×2 – felt so much more powerful, clean and crisp today, even with this as the second session of the day


Power clean – 1 rep every 15 sec x 6, rest 2 min x 3 (185-205)

198 used all kilo plates – same across 


Front squats – 3 reps every 60 sec x 6, rest 3 min x 2 (24 total, keep loading around 185-205, good speed)

185×3/205×3 – 205 – and ummmm 3 every minute x 6 for 2 sets is 36 total not 24


6 rounds for good speed/intent, rest 90 sec bt rounds

6 1-arm alternating DB hang clean and jerks @ 70lbs

50ft 1-arm DB OH walking lunge @ 70lbs (switch arms at halfway)

32 DU’s

1:24-1:17-1:20-1:22-1:32-1:36 – did something funky to my back, but it was more getting a little tired and sloppy on the c&j in the overhead position – did this piece in the evening as the second session


AMRAP 10 min @ sustainable effort

10 cal row

10 cal bike

10 cal ski

rest 5 min x 3 sets, goal will be to get faster for last set

5+2 – 5+17 – 5+23- for the most part, even being a little faster each set, and especially the last, i didn’t want to push the pace to much that i couldn’t have done one more set of 10 and hit some of the same paces, the bike might have gotten a little grindy but ski at or above 1100 was feeling good and very sustainable in set 2 and 3 – 


5 min down regulation breathing BEFORE you leave gym (feet elevated, head supported. breathe in through nose on a 2-3 count, breathe out through mouth on a 4-6 count. count to at least 30 breaths like this)


Did this session first in the day and the “tuesday” session as a double. I have to say, i thoroughly enjoyed doing 2 sessions, but man i wasn’t completely conditioned for that type of volume in the same day. It was a great feeling of that challenge. But it smoked me for tuesday into wednesday. I’m not saying i want to do this on the regular, but i wouldn’t mind a few double sessions on a tuesday. Wednesday was crazy and i was a little exhausted from the normal sleep wake schedule. But I still did a moderate/easy session – 10 sets 30sec on/30sec easy bike erg x 2 times with 20 turkish get ups in between @ 53

6/23 – OFF


A1 – Strict press x 2 strong reps, rest 30 sec

145 – didn’t feel super strong here today, shoulder started achy but felt better by the last set

A2 – 14 dbl db shoulder to overhead for smooth speed @ 50/hand, rest 2:30 x 4 sets

These felt so much smoother and easier this week. Where they irritated the shoulder last week they all felt fine today

B1 – Kipping ring pullups x 8-10, rest 45 sec


B2 – Ring rows from feet elevated x 10-12, rest 45 sec

10 – feet were elevated about 20” and that made it so punch in the gut hard

B3 – Banded horizontal rows from straight leg seated x 18, rest 2:30 x 3 sets


C – Tempo ring pushups @ 3112 tempo, AMRAP (-1), rest 90 sec x 4 sets


D – Band pull apart super series



500 cal bike, conversational effort

Had about 50 minutes and did it on a Ass/bike


2min AMRAP: 

15 Calorie Row

9 Deadlifts (225lbs)

Max Ring Muscle Ups in remaining time 

*Rest 1 Minute Between Intervals

x4 intervals 

*Score = total ring muscle ups completed 

Driving to the gym i had a sneeze attack today and felt super congested and going into this session i felt a little off. And after the second interval i wanted to quit. I didn’t feel right and i was sweating profusely. Numbers were 6-4-1-3 – total of 14. For the last 2 weeks felt good on saturday, and today, rhythm and normal routine schedule were a little different. So live to train and be better next time


For time

14 ‘reps’ of 5m unbroken HSW 

(5m or 16ft, push the transitions)

7:10 – here are the 2 round splits – (which i always tried to push the turnaround transitions – but felt the fatigue was real as i was afraid my shoulders were going to give out in the 9th/10th rep round – 26 – 41 – 52 – 1:09 – 1:46 – 1:10 – 1:10

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