Friday & Saturday – 7/15/2022 & 7/16/2022


Clean complex for pulling positions

Halting clean grip deadlift to below knee x 1

Halting clean grip deadlift to mid thigh x 1

Paused clean from mid thigh x 1

Slow pull clean x 1

rest 3 min x 8 sets, building every 2

*drop bar between full cleans. 2 sec dead stop on each of the pauses, and then a 4 count from ground to launch position on slow pull

155-175-195-205 – these felt pretty good, the toughest positional holds were at 205 and that was mostly at the below the knee position, some of them i did mid shin which that was much harder than below the knee. The first several sets the squats were the hardest because my legs were still a little tired, but that got much better


3 sets:

50 foot hs walk

25 Cal Row

10 dbl DB box step overs @ 50/hand

20 K HSPUs

10 dbl DB box step overs @ 50/hand

10 Strict HSPUs

25 Cal Row

rest as needed bw sets

7:34-8:00-7:44 – the first 25 cal row tried to keep in the 1200’s staying smooth, went UB on all step overs, thought it might have been more beneficial to break those but also thought the cost of breaking would have a bigger break even if i tried to pick them up “quickly”….in this workout i was most worried about step overs and strict hspu, i did much better on shspu than i thought i would, at that point i was pretty tired, but just had to keep sets small and breaks short.


4 rounds for time

12 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts (50lbs)

18 Chest to bar pull-ups

50′ FRWL @ 50lbs

11:44 – the first 2 rounds went great, I glanced at the clock and was right around 6:16 and i was a few reps into the 3rd round, i was hoping/goal set of being sub 3 minutes each round and staying pretty consistent. But I think (without seeing video or split times of movements) i think my burpee speed in those last 2 rounds really effected my overall time. I never took my hands off the db just tried to keep moving but in round 3 I know i slowed down just wanted to keep moving. At my fastest i feel i was about 46-50 seconds for the 12 burpee so if i slowed down that time got away from me. 10/8 for the forest 3 rounds of c2b, last round i wnated to go for it, but mentally and physically weren’t there. That last round at 11 just didn’t have the mental toughess today and i know i rested too long before finishing out the last 7 reps. Workouts don’t care if you don’t sleep well or get much sleep so my goal was to try and minimize the performance effect of that. 


2-3 sets:

A1. Seated Banded BTN Lat Pull-Down: 10-12 reps – strong squeeze at bottom, rest 10-15 sec


A2. Supinated Grip Pull-Ups: 10-15 reps @ 2111 (AMRAP w/out assistance then finish w/ spotter or feet assistance), rest 2-3 min

Done – only did 2 sets because i was pretty smoked, more mentally than physically but done.

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