12/31/2022 – 1/4/2023



3+10 – snatch didn’t go great, was the biggest weakness, bike was ok, get sea legs under me and then pushed the middle. The box jump, well the box jump. My goal was to not let both the box jump and the snatch beat me, and the box beat me. Felt like i was at a pace that was sustainable and just a bit uncomfortable and then on rep 19 in round 1, i fell/tripped on the box, and it is a pretty good gashes in 4 different places, no stitches needed though but was a little gun shy after that point, until the first 7 or 8 box jumps in the next round when I stopped thinking about it and my leg kind of went numb of the pain and then from there picked back up on the box jump pace but only got slightly better on the last round of my snatch that I knew time was ticking and needed to push and get a bit more uncomfortable


Power snatch x 3 TNG reps, new set every 2 min x 3

*70-75% effort

155 – no touch on the hip/leg going back down


Power clean/push jerk x 3 TNG reps, new set every 2 min x 3

*70-75% effort

195 – this felt heavier and lowering from the top just didn’t feel as smooth as in the snatch


For time

7-5-3 ring MU

7-5-3 squat cleans @ 205lbs

4:21 – first round with the barbell felt heavy, the following rounds felt much better. All muscle ups felt really really good and UB – also felt i had really good transitions to the rings

rest 5 min

For time

9-7-5 bar MU

9-7-5 thrusters @ 115lbs

4:35 – had some drainage and blew my nose after 1st round and felt my ear pop so got really nervous and waited at least 30-40 seconds before i started back up, just making sure my ear wasn’t bleeding. Thrusters felt the best they have in a long time. Outside of the fear and 


Single leg banded hip series – https://youtube.com/shorts/vu_QEu3T-78?feature=share – get a LOT of band tension here to drive against

6/side single leg hip abduction/extension (drive hard into ground at top and squeeze butt)

6/side single leg RDL to hip extension (pull ‘back’ on ground and squeeze hammy/butt at top)

6/side single leg knee extension with dynamic eccentric (use the band resistance to force a strong deceleration after the extension)

Went through these 3 times or so just to try and get the hang of them since it is so novel and just trying to get the hang of positions. 


For time (15 min cap)

120 row cals

*EMOM starting at 0, do 10 wallballs (20lbs to 10ft)


(rest 6-8 min)

For time (15 min cap)

100 bike cals (120 if bike erg)

*EMOM starting at 0, do 3 dbl DB devil presses @ 50/hand



10 min easy bike @ cooldown effort


A – Bench press 5 sets of 6 reps @ 155lbs, rest as little as needed to stay unbroken

3:32 – (kept time more to have some measurable of keeping the rest short) avg rest was 30 sec longest was around 45 – also did not specify but was not pausing at top 

B – Front squat 5 sets of 6 reps @ 205lbs, rest as little as needed to stay unbroken

5 minutes. Much higher RPE here than the bench. Avg rest time 1 min with a few 45 seconds. 


Every 75 sec x 8 sets

10 GHD situps

30ft HSW

Did not say but i did a 15ft out and 15ft back – wanted to practice coming down and kicking right back up and was very happy with how well that went. The halfway bell went out almost everytime right about the 20ft mark except for the last 2 rounds, 7th round was the only time i came down in the middle of the walk and was a little slower on those ghdsu and the last round was the slowest off the ghd.


Sandbag bear hug hold @ 150lbs – accumulate 5 min in as few sets as possible

*completely upright and vertical, knees locked out.

Completely vertical with knees locked out is kind of evil and not very cool.

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