Tuesday & Wednesday – 1/17/2023 & 1/18/2023


Single leg banded hip series

10/side single leg hip abduction/extension (drive hard into ground at top and squeeze butt)

10/side single leg RDL to hip extension (pull ‘back’ on ground and squeeze hammy/butt at top)

10/side single leg knee extension with dynamic eccentric (use the band resistance to force a strong deceleration after the extension)



3 sets

Run 1000m

Row 1k

Run 500m

rest 8-10 min bt sets, keep them consistent


10 min easy bike @ cooldown effort

It was raining and cold and i’m a baby so adjusted and did 

3 sets

Bike erg 2K

Row 1K

Echo bike 35 cals

10:06 – 10:04 – 9:54* (not sustainable)


(potential camp workout for our season prep camp, if you can, get me some good notes on this one in terms of (rep schemes, limiters, potential time cap, any adjustments that you see as being valuable, scaling options, etc)

For time

3 rounds

20 1-arm alternating DB hang snatches @ 50

5 Walk walks

30 unbroken Single unders


3 rounds

20 alternating DB box step ups (24in, 50)

5 Walk walk

30 unbroken double unders

15:59 – i’ll talk about the notes for myself first – first triplet i was done at around 6:29 – super super stoked about this, goal was to do 5 “tng” wall walks and keep those around 40sec – not sure the exact time it took but my goal of going fast and trusting the training we’ve been doing was achieved. The main rest times of transitions were starting the single unders. I’ve been practicing crossovers with a slightly heavier rope and was afraid how light my speed rope felt, good lesson learned. The second tripleet wasn’t as good but still was decent. The step ups were slow and knew they would be but this was a place that there was no right way to hold the bell. I felt the shoulder fatigue just holding in the different positions so i broke the step ups in round 2 and thats where i lost my time round 3 just powered through and dealt with it. On wall walks on round 1 and 2 I wanted transitions back to the wall as quick as I could so did 3 fast, rest 2 – i probably rested too much during the break. Was intimidated by the “unbroken” of dubz so i rested longer than i should have. I think the dubz here is different than the singles, more often that not with singles you might make it to 26, 27 or 28 and miss i don’t feel that is as common place with dubz for many of us, with that being said, i rested to long before starting because i was afraid to miss. I felt my oblique in the lowering of the wall walk but i found out that if i took an extra hand step i couldn’t feel it, so instead of coming down in 3 which really exposed the stress coming down in 4 was pain free.

I don’t think there would be much difference if the double unders were set @ 60. I knew speed of step ups would be a limiter for me but didn’t think that would effect my shoulder fatigue as much as it did. 20 reps on db movements i think were perfect, still low enough to be fast but high enough for the mid level athletes to have to think about speed of rep or pacing. 30 total wall walks i feel is a good number, for me a few months back that total volume might have really slowed me down, but i only felt speed of rep slow down around the 23 rep mark so i like the volume of wall walks there. Someone yelling at me to go quicker into the rope (plus i also had a 12ft walk to the rope to get to a rubber jumping surface) i could be close to 15 – not sure what you perceive a time domain for this should be but finishing the first part in just over 6 minutes and i’m sure many can keep a similar pace on the 2nd part if they can move quickly through the step ups.


A – Bench press 5 sets of 6 reps @ 175lbs, rest as little as needed to stay unbroken

felt really good – didn’t check the time or watch the clock for rest

B – Front squat 5 sets of 5 reps @ 225lbs, rest as little as needed to stay unbroken

This was a grind, i started resting closer to 2+ minutes as i was pretty smoked at this point.


4 sets of 90 sec bear hug sandbag hold

rest as needed bt sets

Bypassed today as i was spent and was not wanting to push the oblique as i felt it in the lowering of the wall walk.

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