Friday 1/27/23 – Tuesday 1/31/23


BB push press – 4 sets of 5 TNG reps, rest 2 min

195 – really wanted 205 but after warming up, i had a huge knot in my back that just wasn’t loosening up


Strict wtd pullup – 4 sets of heavy 3, rest 3 min

70 – wanted 90 but that knot and a little forearm irritation


EMOM x 24

Min 1: 30 Sec ski cals 9-10-9-9

Min 2: 30 Sec power cleans @ 155lbs 8-8-8-8

Min 3: REST

Min 4: 30 Sec burpees to touch pullup bar 11-11-11-11

Min 5: 30 Sec Bar Muscle Ups 8-8-10*-10 —–*10the rep might have been as time expired – also got a little more fatigue in pressing as that turnover felt more demanding from the 2 extra rep accumulation taht round

Min 6: REST

BMU numbers went up because i found a rhythm in my kip that allowed me to have a faster turnover and transition to the next rep much quicker, made it much higher output but it also was exciting for the discovery and continuing to figure out new things


Bike erg 10 min @ damper 0, RPM > 0

Outdoor walk instead – unplugged mostly because no bike erg at that location


Did not sleep well at all, rash woke me up and tooth flared up and was in knoxville so was not in my regular bed, was not the ideal situation for training. Got the first 2 pieces in and as soon as i got inverted warming up for the throwdown called it for intensity. So i decided to do the lunges, and do speed step, singles and crossover work. Also did some light z-press for range of motion work

A. Bench Press: Build to 90%; then do 5 reps x 4-5 sets @ 77-83% 1RM; rest as needed

235 – even not feeling great, had i had a spot i might have tried a bit more


EMOM x 6:

Min 1: 4-6 Hang Power Snatch

Min 2: 9 DL + 6 Hang Power Clean + 3 S2O

*Start light, increase load each set

155 was top end, would’ve felt more comfortable on the DT-ish complex but the hang snatch was working me




DBL DB OHWL Steps @ 50lbs

Strict HSPUs


Double Unders

20min Time Cap

Notes above

1/29 – OFF


Hang squat snatch – 1 rep every 20 sec @ 135-155lbs x 20

155 and this felt more like conditioning than anything. Barbell felt good, only had to step forward on one so technique felt dialed in. first half went below the knee but went above the knee on back half and that felt like it saved me more than the .5sec that it actually saved


1-arm DB tempo OHS x 4/side, tempo = 32X1, rest 30 sec bt arms x 4 sets/side (adjust loading to challenge tempo/positions)

50-55-60-65 – the set at 60 felt the best, positions, tempo, load


Sumo deadlifts @ 31X1 tempo x 4, rest 2 min x 6

255 – something felt a little off, not sure if it is not having done a sumo dead in a while, nothing that i’m worried about structrally so didn’t push the loading boundries here.


Banded hip thrusts x 20 + 20 sec iso hold at top of last rep, rest 2 min x 4



Bike 12 min warmup, 1 min nasal 2 min regular breathing x 4


Every 2 min x 10

20 echo bike cals

(do this in a waveload format, getting progressively faster for first 5 sets to have the 5th set be about 90-92% effort, then back off for 6th set and do another progressive wave for 6-10, trying to have corresponding sets be a little faster than the first 5)

1:16-1:09-1:04-:55-:43-1:12-1:03-:51-:45-:38 – i did not reset the monitor which i know would’ve been somewhat of a game changer but ramping effort was good. Didn’t know what to expect in the first half and in the 2nd half i wanted to get a bit more uncomfortable. Also i tried to nose breath throughout 90% of this


2 sets

Banded ankle dorsiflexion x 10/side –

Banded ankle plantarflexion x 10/side –



Lower body flow – 2x through (should take about 5 min) – 

about to do right now

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