Saturday 2/5/2023 Throwdown



20min AMRAP: 

8 TTB 

10 Hang Clean and Jerk @ 50lbs (5/arm) 

14 Cal Row 

8 CTB 

10 Hang Snatch @ 50lbs (5/arm) 

14 Cal Row 

5 + 52 – some positives and negatives. Negatives, i couldn’t keep the pace on the rower that I really needed to maintain. I was in the 1100’s for the majority of the workout and i feel i need to spend more time in the 1200s. Transitions were ok, there is a couple of rounds that i transitioned to the db quickly but i didn’t pick it up and get the first rep as fast as needed. The other big negative was in one round after coming off the row i did 5 reps on one side with the db instead of going to the ctb….so that cost a lot of time and mental effort, but i did quickly forget about it. The pros – never once did i get chalk, or even think about using the chalk bucket as the old rest bucket. I think my transitions to the gymnastics were really good, much better than all the db transitions. 


Back squats – 5 sets of 8 @ 155-165lbs, rest 90 sec

165 – felt really good, smooth and fast 


TNG deadlifts – 5 sets of 8 @ 255-275lbs, rest 90 sec

255 – the main reason I didn’t push heavier was my hands were a little sensitive coming off the throwdown

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