Friday 2/24/2023 – Monday 2/27/2023



145 – 237 – somewhat pleased with the burpee/shuttle – but i do wish i would’ve mentally dug in a little more on those last few sets of shuttles. Missed 247, video doesn’t have a good angle of the thruster so can’t see why i missed it, if it was technical, strength or not enough grind. 


Thorough cooldown


A. Squat clean from blocks – 1 rep every 45 sec x 8, build as you go to end tough

185-205-225-230-235-240-245-250 – these were executed off of plyo boxes so the set up was mid-thigh

B. Strict Press @ 2020 Tempo x 6 reps, rest 2 min x 4 sets

115 – my shoulder has been a little achy since last week, but this tempo was so therapeutic that it felt so much better then when I started the day. 


For time:

Row 30 cals

DL x 30 reps @ 135lbs

Wall walk x 10

Row 30 cals

DL x 20 reps @ 225lbs

Kipping HSPU x 25

Row 30 cals

DL x 10 reps @ 315lbs

Strict HSPUs x 10

13:58 – very happy with this actually. The deadlift at 135, i told myself do “smaller sets” quick drop and pick it back up, i really wish i had see what time i started the wall walk because i am super happy how that has progressed. I did 6 tng reps, changed my weights, then did 4 tng, and then was very pleased at how light the 225 felt, i did rest a little longer than i needed but stayed standing over the bar. 13/12 on hspu and changed weights. The row’s of course after the first set were find a way to be a little uncomfortable to keep a sustainable pace but not to sustainable. The 315 was heavy, i did all singles and but i did 4 right away with a fast transition to them, then rested (too long) and 6 fast singles and finished with 10 UB strict hspu, was actually happy with that. 


*All at easy effort, NASAL breathing only:

5min Row

5min Bike

5min Ski

Was pretty hard to nasal breath only as my congestion is intense

2/26 – OFF


A. Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch: 1 complex every 60 sec x 4 sets – 65-75% speed focus



4 Rounds for Time:

50 feet Double KB front rack walking lunge @ 24kg/hand

20 GHD

20 Pistols (alternating)

70 Double unders

20:02 – it was the 3rd round that sent me into a spiral slowing down, i was 4 minutes a round and then, did the 1st 2 sets of lunges UB and that was probably a mistake as it caught up to me in round 3. Pistols were slow and methodical, double under either tripped once or broke intentionally each round. Did so more do to my shoulder irritation in round 1, never got it warmed up enough. Was happy with the GHDSU, i moved deliberate, but never took a break, slowed down at times in chunks to speed up in others…..on the very last lunge step i felt a tweak around/near/at hip flexor. Kind of a shooting nerve pain, it has happened before and went away after a few days so i’m not too worried but it is still present. It happened because i was trying to extend that lunge step to make sure of clearing the marker. I can feel it in my gait, but no bilateral movement is effected.

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