Monday – 3/27/2023


A – Double barrel front squats 6 sets of 6, build as you go, rest 2 min

155-175-185-190-192-194 – the 30sec less rest made a huge difference and i really felt it going from the 2nd and 3rd sets so i started being more conservative

B1 – 30 sec lightly loaded wall sit, rest 30 sec

B2 – 30 jumping air squats for time (not full depth on squat, stop just above parallel, ensure you get some clearance and full hip extension at top of each rep), rest 3 min x 3 sets


C – Rounded back GHD hip extensions x 15-18, rest 90 sec x 4 sets (scale to bench glute kickbacks with towel/shirt under hips to keep low back neutral)

Had to do later as i was at home and used a ghd later in the day

D – Single leg quadruped banded kickbacks x 15-18/side, rest 45 sec x 3 sets


E – Banded reverse squats from supine x 15, rest 90 sec x 4


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